RFLCT Workshops

Painting & Embroidery on Tote Bag Workshop ‎

Painting & Embroidery on Tote Bag Workshop ‎

Painting & Embroidery on Tote Bag Workshop ‎

التسجيل مفتوح لورشة الرسم والتطريز علي الحقيبة Registration is open for Painting & Embroidery on Tote Bag Workshop ‎ كل اثنين من 11:00 صباحا حتى 1:30 ظهرا Every Monday from 11:00am to 1:30pm - Workshop contents: Overview of the workshop theme focusing on combining painting and embroidery on tote bags. Introduction to fabric paints, brushes, embroidery hoops, needles, fabric markers, and plain tote bags. Guidance on planning a design that balances both painting and embroidery elements on the tote bag. Step-by-step instructions on painting a base design on the tote bag using fabric paints. Introduction to incorporating embroidery stitches into the painted design. Tips on coordinating colors between the painted and embroidered sections. Exploring stencils as a tool for creating precise painted elements on the tote bag. Demonstrations of embroidery stitches suitable for fabric and tote bags. Techniques for enhancing the tactile feel of the artwork through both painting and embroidery. Encouraging participants to add personal touches to their tote bags, such as initials or favorite quotes. - العمر 12 سنين فما فوق ‏Age is 12 years old and above - ‎حصة واحدة مدتها ساعتان ونصف مقابل 250 درهم One session for 2 ½ hours for 250 AED - ‎اللغة: العربية و الانجليزية ‎‏Language: Fluent Arabic and English - ‎ مستوى الدورة: سهل. ‎الورشة لا تتطلب مهارات رسم مسبقة ‎‏Class level: Easy ‎‏No prior artistic skills required - ‎نظراً لأن الاماكن محدودة، يجب التسجيل المسبق للدورة ‎‏Due to the limited space, prior registration is required. رقم التواصل 0501815454 Contact number 0501815454
Painting & Embroidery on Tote Bag Workshop ‎